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California Proposition 65
EV-20820 IC - SurgeX EV20820IC Diagnostic Surge Suppressor + Scope Meter, 20 amps at 120/230 Volts Split Phase

Product Overview

Features and Benefits

  • EV20820IC Diagnostic Surge Suppressor + Scope Meter, 20 amps at 120/230 Volts Split Phase
  • Internal battery to provide accurate data and time stamps, even during power outages
  • 20 Amps at 120/230 Volts split phase load rating frequency metrics.
  • Identify preexisting power conditions, analyze real-time power anomalies, and generate electrical performance reports.
  • Lowers service costs, ensures fault-less installs, and improves customer uptime
  • Built-in LCD screen provides easy access to recorded events, parameters and settings
  • Protects connected equipment from power disturbances
  • Power over Ethernet protection
  • Remote IP capable (sold separately)

EV-20820 IC Summary

EV-20820 IC Diagrams

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Alternatives for EV-20820 IC

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EV-20820 IC Firmware

EV-20820 IC Software

EV-20820 IC Pre-made Drivers

Disclaimer: Liberty AV assumes no responsibility or liability for pre-built control system drivers. The driver may or may not work for all projects, in situations where the driver is not suitable for the switching architecture, the driver cannot be adjusted for customized usage by Liberty. If you would like to contract services for customized control for a project please contact your sales representative.